Hitsugaya was walking along the alley...

and spotted a small ganster bullying a poor kid.

After a long staring moment, gloomy the little gangster jumped onto Hitsugaya,
catching him by surprise.
But he didn't know the actual background of H

Small gangster gloomy had backup.
His little Khakis (also gangsters) saw the whole thing and quickly called their most
kung-fu gangster out~

With a swift move, gangster neptoon shoved a stick up Hitsugaya face,
Catching him by surprise again..

Thinking he got the situation in his hand, Neptoon was confident
his enemy had conceded defeat =)

Gloomy the little gangster, now with his huge gathering, challenged Hitsugaya.
Hitsugaya, knowing that he is outnumbered...had to do one thing.


The little gangsters fell like houseflies to the electric light thingy.
Gloomy Bear just got bleached.
Haha just for fun. *smilez*